So the hubby and I were discussing life, and somehow or another we started talking about a 3rd child. We come from small families ourselves. I’m an only child, and he has one Brother. I decided to reach out to my mommies of 3 or more. I can honestly say, I was surprised by ALL […]
Meet Natty, Our Beautiful Navy Mom
This is Natty, and her story touches our heart. She is the epitome of PERSERVERANCE! Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and touching story, Natty. #thismomhere can’t wait to see the treasures life has in store for you!
To the Mom Living with hurt
To the Mom living with hurt You are Not Alone. When you wake up just wanting to close your eyes again, in hopes that something will change… You are Not Alone. When you take one more glass to dull the hurt in your Heart… You are Not Alone. hurt can only hurt as much as you […]
Quality Dates That are Healthy for the Wallet
Usually Monday through Friday, I am potty training, cleaning, folding, chauffeuring, cooking… You get the picture. For a while, I felt like that was I was ever doing. So I made sure to have “ME” time. During this time, I would watch MY SHOW (probably little house on the prairie or dance moms…Don’t judge me), […]