Lets get one thing clear… I am the WORST sweet tooth on the planet! My parents, husband, and cavities in my mouth will vouch for me. ALLLLLL day long I think about what I’m eating, what I ate, and what I will be eating later! I have never been excessively obese, but I have been slightly overweight. I always tell people I work out like a beast, so I can eat like a pig!
All that being said, currently I am staying focused on what I put in my body. I fail daily, but even my small fall ups are better than my past eating habits! What I mean is, sometimes if my son is eating a cookie, I may snag one too. But, I used to eat 4-6 cookies with him. Right now, while I battle out “This Mom Here 5 More Burpee Challenge” I want to optimize the results, by feeding my body what it NEEDS to kick butt. Here are some of my guidelines to eating healthier. It is not the Bible of nutrition, it is a support system to keep myself on track.
Diet for moms – tips and tricks
- NO crappy sugars- I eat 100 calorie Greek yogurts for a sugary taste. I eat fruits for my sugar cravings. I TRY not to eat cakes, sugary cereals, candy, etc. The biggest sugar fix I get is off peanut butter. I probably eat more than I should, but it keeps me happy.
- VEGGIES- They aren’t always as good as fruits, but they are so good for you. Some popular diets recommend you eat 4-6 cups of veggies. I try to eat as much as I can. Some days I make it to 4 cups, other days… Not so much. I have fallen in love with sautéed green peppers with onions, broccoli, and some minced garlic. I probably eat it every day right now. When I’m hungry I always consider a veggie before the fruits for the health benefits.
- Hunger=Binge Eating- I desperately try NOT to get HUNGRY!! When I do, I end up making bad choices to satisfy my hunger. I overeat food that isn’t helping with my results. Snack Snack SNACK! Cottage cheese, almonds, veggies, fruits you name it!
- Portions- I make an effort to eat small portions. I go by the suggested serving size on the nutritional list of the product.
- Cheat days/nights- So 6 days a week, I eat as clean as possible. 4 days a week (with the exception of my one morning coffee) I drink only water. 3 nights a week (Fri, Sat, Sun) I drink alcoholic beverages. 1 day a week, I eat a big carby breakfast, greasy fatty lunch, huge loaded calorie dinner, with the sweetest dessert I can find. Don’t judge me, this is the only way I can “deprive” my taste buds from their true desires during the week.
- Water- I drink 72+ ounces of water daily. I drink before I eat, while I eat, and after I finish my meal (it helps me with feeling full). I walk around with a big tumbler of water all day long.
- Happy thoughts- I thrive on positive outcomes of the future. Every time I eat a cucumber over a potato chip, I think of how much better I will feel at the end of my 30 days. I truly believe that fitness and nutrition are controlled by your mind, above all else. CONVINCE YOURSELF that you are fighting for a cause of better health. You can do this!!
Comment below, and tell me how you curve your appetites. Is there a healthy recipe you want to share? Let me know how you are feeling while you are eating clean.