

Mom Blog – About This Mom Here

This Mom Here is not a specific mom, it is an entity.  This Mom Here is for women who endured childbirth, who adopted, who work at a daycare, who love their fur babies, who nurture their plants. We as caretakers ARE This Mom Here! This site is for you. Please comment, share photos hashtag #thismomhere, because we are not alone. Let the world see you as you are on this mom blog. Be proud to be #thismomhere!

For a new mommy blog we are truly interested in finding out what other mothers do to get through the hour, day, week, month  and year! Obstacles are an every day thing but we as a community can help alleviate the stress and disorder in our lives by sharing simple tips and tricks and stories for inspiration. We hope this mom blog can reach out to many women fighting the same struggles. Stay strong together and grow with us.

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