I am blown away by an awesome opportunity! I Just recently was nominated for the Liebster Award. Thank you Nikki for the nomination. Nikki says, ” This is an award that is presented by bloggers to other bloggers as a way of helping eachother network. What a brilliant idea since we all work our butts off to get recognized. It also helps others get to know little tidbits about you that you would have never thought to share yourself. How it works is that the person who nominates you gives you 11 questions to answer and nominates up to 11 other wonderful bloggers; you then turn around and do the same. Look at all that sharing going on, woo hoo.â I couldn’t agree more.
Here is what A Mamma Happily Interupted gave me
- What is one item of clothing you could not live without?Is my iphone allowed for this answer?? If not, I guess socks… I sleep in them and almost NEVER wear flip flops because I can’t wear socks w/them.
- What is your favorite holiday memory?As a child I got to visit my grandparents in Ohio. So I enjoyed playing in the snow during Christmas time. I haven’t in over a decade, and still feel guilty my children haven’t experienced snow.
- What is your favorite kind of music?With my kids- Christian music or Disney music
Working out- Sean Paul or PitBull party music - Toes painted or not?Nope! When you wear socks 90% of the month you don’t care if your toes are painted.
- What is your least favorite food?Canned Asparagus…
- What was your first thought when you got up this morning?I get to lay in bed before AJ yells for me…. SCORE!!!
- What is your worst habit?I lack initiative to clean my house…. it’s livable, but never pristine.
- If you could be anyone for a day who would you be?I have sat here for 10 minutes, and I still have nothing. All that is coming to my head is I would want to be me from the past… I’d like to be me childless with my husband on the most exclusive Caribbean getaway… just one day with my hubby w/o worrying about my kids.
- When it comes to sweets what is your guilty pleasure?Birthday Cake Ice cream from a local Ice Cream Parlor
- Have you ever danced in the rain?As a kid, yes… I have taken walks alone in the rain. It helped clear my head, during some of my darkest times.
- When your favorite song comes on do you belt it out or groove inside?You know when I like a song =) I will be dancing in my seat, and singing every note!
So here are my 11 nominations
- simplybeingmommy (Crystal) is a mom after my own heart. I aspire to have a blog as busy as hers. It was her Cinnamon French Toast that made me fall in love with her blog!
- I am a HUGE Disney Lover! Therefore ANY mom who get to play “Baymax” is SUPER COOL in my book. Jen, You rocked!
- #thismomhere enjoys a drink (or two) she doesn’t have to share with the kids! I instantly found a kinship to Alexis when I stumbled upon her 10 fun cocktails post
- Kristen is nothing short of a busy mom! I favor her healthy eating tips above all else. That and I love a good sports mom!
- www.athriftymom.com has so many tips and tricks to saving money! WOW… But my kids are most grateful that I came across her silly apple smiles.
- Jessica is a SoFlo mommy, like myself. Her recipes make me drool just reading them. However she touched my heart when she opened hers about being Beautiful. Check her out!
7.Being a pathetic 5K and obstacle course running amateur myself, I found Sharon’s blog intriguing. I have to be honest, I thought it was great that her dad also makes posts on her blog as well. Side note, running w/out any gadgets is the hardest run for me!
- “Sarcasm and a sense of humor help me stay sane.” Emily, I couldn’t have said it better myself! Oh and my 6 year old, LOVED paying for her “movie ticket” at home. Thanks for the fun activity.
- Lisa has a blog with a little of everything. I enjoy the fact that she used to be a Kindergarten teacher, while I am just about to get my foot in the door of teaching. I have enjoyed watching Lisa through her remodeling. I must say you are my hero (want to do my house now?)!
- Shelby, I have to tell you… I LOVE the set up of your site! I love the thumbnails, the previews of posts, the sweet pictures, EVERYTHING!! It is refreshing to see a different format of site. GREAT JOB!
- Erin has battled more than I could personally bare, physically or mentally. She writes with a passion that reaches her readers. I have to say, I look forward to seeing more she has to say!
I NEVER expected this post to take me so many hours of work!! I enjoyed every minute of it. So now, here are my questions for my 11 Nominees. I can’t wait to see your responses!
- What do you look forward to after the kids go to bed?
- What is something you dread, but have to do almost daily?
- What is your favorite color to wear, and WHY?
- What do you enjoy doing most with your kids?
- What is your best dinner that the majority of the family LOVES to eat?
- When was the last time you had a pedicure?
- Where do you want to be 5 years from now?
- What is your best memory as a child?
- If you could have lunch with anyone on the planet (still living), who would it be?
- Which social media (instagram, FB, twitter, etc) do you tend to favor?
- If you could eat one junk food or sweet treat and never have to worry about it making you “fat” what would you want it to be?