So if I haven’t said it enough, I have an unfathomably talented husband! He is the backbone of He was so inspired by all the wonderful feedback from my most previous post, that he wanted to make a spot so all the moms can come together! I am looking for moms to make posts about recipes, workouts, cleaning routines, tips for sick babies, vent for some encouragement from other moms, etc. I want to feature some of your posts!! I don’t mind posting, but I want to showcase other moms! so with all that being said, I want to thank my husband, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for believing in me and in the potential of #thismomhere.
#ThisMomHere is very excited to share that we are now a mini social network. As ThisMomHere continues to grow, we want to encourage our viewers to join in on the fun. The more activity, the more we can grow, do more features, and potentially do giveaways.
There is no need to register, to make a post you can sign in with your facebook, instagram, twitter, or several other social media accounts. Once that is done you will have your very own profile page that you can edit, make your own posts, and chat with other moms/members!
It’s simple just follow the steps below, click on whichever account you’d like to link up with us and it will remember you next time.
You can update you photo and have a profile page where you can post updates. We hope to see some cool activities from members and possibly feature some of your postings on #ThisMomHere’s home page, facebook, twitter, etc.
Tell us what you think below. Join in on the fun!