I’m all about new adventures! Especially, if I get to share them with my Husband. Last year, we started a new adventure in 5ks and obstacle courses. This year we ran our 2nd Armageddon Ambush. This is a mud run, color run, obstacle course all in 1 5k. Last year, there were obstacles I couldn’t do. This year, there were obstacles I STILL couldn’t do! But that never took the fun out of the race. I focused on one goal this year…
I accomplished that goal.
There’s nothing like the feeling of accomplishment.
We invited our friends to join us this year. I can’t express the emotions I had watching my dear friend conquer obstacles (and even running) that intimidated her. These races aren’t just for the fit to show off. It’s for everyone! everyone has to dig a little deeper. Everyone helps each other. I know I will probably never see the young man who single handedly reached down that half pipe, and grabbed my flaring hand in air. If it weren’t for his superior athleticism, that pulled my dangling body up that wall, I would NEVER have beaten that half pipe. So, thank you friend. I am extensively grateful for all your help!
I believe we will continue doing these races even when our children are old enough to compete with us. It’s not just about the race. It’s the emotions you go through before during and after the race. It’s a mental battle as much as if not more than a physical battle. I encourage everyone who has ever struggled mentally or physically try ANY race out. When you cross the finish line with that spouse, child, friend, or perfect stranger that has been enduring the same pain as you, just wait and see! the positive energy from a hard fight, is indefinable.