This MOM Here believes Meal Planning is crucial to having a healthy and happy lifestyle. Follow This MOM Here to see how she eats on a daily routine. Yeah, she sneaks in a few tasty delectable snacks and deserts here and then and that’s okay! You’ve got to keep yourself happy!
Just Trust Me Cake

If you are a fan of chocolate chip cookies and cool whip, you’ll LOVE this! This is so simple, I’m embarrassed to give you the recipe. I got this from my, at the time, 17 year old cousin, Kevin. If a teenage guy can do this anyone can! I’m not sure if this has an […]
What is Your BEST Slow Cooker Meal?

Lets share our best slow cooker meal / recipe! #thismomhere loves a good home cooked meal! BUT Hates spending 2+ hours in the kitchen to get it… What’s your family’s favorite slow cooker recipe? Feel free to answer with pictures and details, so we can all be the super mom of Dinner!
The Gas in My Tank

Lets get one thing clear… I am the WORST sweet tooth on the planet! My parents, husband, and cavities in my mouth will vouch for me. ALLLLLL day long I think about what I’m eating, what I ate, and what I will be eating later! I have never been excessively obese, but I have been […]
Easiest Tastiest Apple Cobbler
This is probably a top 5 of my favorite, and top 3 of EASIEST. It doesn’t hut to add some vanilla ice cream either.
A Face Behind the Thought

Once upon a time, there lived a loving adventurous little girl. Well actually, she was never really THAT little compared to other girls her age. She was always the taller string bean of the group. This little girl grew up in a Suburb of Houston TX, LaPorte. She jumped fences, traveled through storm pipes, and […]