MEET NIKKI! She also is a mom blogger, check her out! A Mama Happily Interrupted I remember bits and pieces of my childhood, but they have never really felt like memories. When I look back it doesn’t feel like I actually lived it, it’s more or less like I’m trying to remember a movie I […]
3 Things when Considering 3 Kids
So the hubby and I were discussing life, and somehow or another we started talking about a 3rd child. We come from small families ourselves. I’m an only child, and he has one Brother. I decided to reach out to my mommies of 3 or more. I can honestly say, I was surprised by ALL […]
Quality Dates That are Healthy for the Wallet
Usually Monday through Friday, I am potty training, cleaning, folding, chauffeuring, cooking… You get the picture. For a while, I felt like that was I was ever doing. So I made sure to have “ME” time. During this time, I would watch MY SHOW (probably little house on the prairie or dance moms…Don’t judge me), […]
Top 4 Toddler Life Savers for Theme Parks
So we did it, we survived a family trip to Universal Studios and Island of Adventure! I have to say, we All had a blast. My youngest (2 years old), had limit things to do at Islands, but he had a ton of fun at Universal. However, that being said, I did do some planning […]