I am blown away by an awesome opportunity! I Just recently was nominated for the Liebster Award. Thank you Nikki for the nomination. Nikki says, ” This is an award that is presented by bloggers to other bloggers as a way of helping eachother network. What a brilliant idea since we all work our butts […]
When Your Plans Don’t Go As Planned
I’m the planner mom. You know the type. The one you love to hate. The mom who works full-time and still has a clean house, dresses her child in perfect outfits with matching accessories, makes healthy (and fun) lunches during the school year, plans Disney trips a year in advance, and throws over the top […]
Social Network for Moms?
So if I haven’t said it enough, I have an unfathomably talented husband! He is the backbone of www.thismomhere.com. He was so inspired by all the wonderful feedback from my most previous post, that he wanted to make a spot so all the moms can come together! I am looking for moms to make posts […]
3 Things when Considering 3 Kids
So the hubby and I were discussing life, and somehow or another we started talking about a 3rd child. We come from small families ourselves. I’m an only child, and he has one Brother. I decided to reach out to my mommies of 3 or more. I can honestly say, I was surprised by ALL […]
Despicable Me Mom
In honor of the new minion movie coming out, I decided to make this post. My 2 year old is currently obsessed with the first two “Despicable Me” movies (actually he’s only obsessed with the minions). So after watching both movies twice every day, I came up with 3 benefits every mom deserves. If Gru […]
Theme Park Vs. Beach House Vacations
My family and I just got home from our first “bulk family” Beach House vacation. The house had 15-16 people in it for a week. So you can imagine the ups and downs we had. Last year my family had a Theme Park (4 day) get away. There were 8 people in the house for […]
Labor- Epidural or No Epidural… That’s not a Question!
Every mom has to make a decision during pregnancy… What kind of methods will they choose during Labor and Delivery. #thismomhere is NOT going to give a “right and wrong” way of delivering a baby. BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE! I am however going to give my experience with having an epidural, and delivering med free. […]
To the Mom Living with hurt
To the Mom living with hurt You are Not Alone. When you wake up just wanting to close your eyes again, in hopes that something will change… You are Not Alone. When you take one more glass to dull the hurt in your Heart… You are Not Alone. hurt can only hurt as much as you […]